You may not realize it, but you only have to go as far as your pup to get some inspiration on how to relax! With National Relaxation Day coming up on August 15, there’s no doubt that your furry friend will be glad to have you by his side for a day to take a break from the hectic routine of daily life and just… r e l a x. Read on for some relaxation tips you will gladly steal from your pup.
Take Cues From Your Dog on How to Relax
Playtime is good
Did you know that exercising can help reduce stress? Your pup has the right idea! Spending some quality time running around outside getting fresh air can help your body produce endorphins and also help you sleep better. There’s nothing bad about that!
Set limits for yourself
You know when you’re playing fetch and your dog just decides he’s all done? Yep, you should be doing the same! Whether it’s shutting your computer off after a certain hour or setting a time limit for stressful activities, it’s good to make sure you aren’t pushing yourself too hard. Give yourself time to decompress!
Don’t be afraid to snuggle
There’s a reason that getting pets are so relaxing – physical contact is known to cause the production of oxytocin ina the body! It helps lower stress levels and keeps us calm. If you want to relax, find a snuggle buddy! (We hear that dogs make great ones.)
Take plenty of naps
Getting enough sleep is key to being able recharge and keep yourself going on a normal schedule. Follow your pup’s lead on this one – taking little rests when you need them are great for keeping stress levels down.
Go for a walk
Have a routine, get your energy out, enjoy nature… there are no downsides to stealing this habit that pups love! Viewing nature helps reduce stress in humans and make people feel better emotionally.
These tips may seem obvious, but it’s important to take time out of your day to do things to calm your body and mind! While National Relaxation Day is a great reminder, it’s wise to take these tips on how to relax and do your best to add them into a regular routine. Even better, you will know that they’re things you can do along with your sweet pet!
Tell us: what’s your favorite way to wind down at the end of a long day?