Does Your Dog Have Back To School Blues?

Does Your Dog Have Back To School Blues

With Labor Day behind us, all schools from preschool to college are back in session. If you are a family with both kids and dogs, did you know that dogs are susceptible to depression and they can get the back to school blues? 

Does your dog have the back to school blues right about now?

Below are a few behavioral changes  to look for from Dr. Phillip Kennedy of VCA Animal Medical Center in Van Nuys if you think your dog may be feeling blue.

  • If a normally active dog is acting quiet.
  • If a dog who normally sleeps with you is now sleeping somewhere else in your home.
  • If your dog is no longer excited by toys or regular routines that usually get him going like getting the leash out, getting the keys when leaving for a walk, or when you are putting on your exercise shoes.
  • If a dog is normally a good eater they might become a poor eater.  Or, if they are normally a poor eater, they might become a better eater.
  • Sometimes they are anxious and they will pace around.  So if a dog that is normally calm and sedate is more anxious they might be pacing.

If your dog does have the back to school blues, did you know there are things you can do to keep him from feeling blue during the school day?

Suggestions to stop your dog from having the back to school blues.

  • Take your dog for a long walk before leaving in the morning to provide stimulation and exercise. Not only will this provide a special time for bonding, it will help tire your dog before leaving him alone for the day.
  • Leave your dog special treats stuffed in kongs in his favorite resting spots that will take time to eat once he finds them.
  • Leave out interactive toys or puzzles that are safe for your dog to play with when alone.
  • Come home from work at lunch to give your dog a walk and playtime.  If your job won’t allow you to come home, hire a professional dog walker.  If you don’t know where to find a professional dog walker, you may like this article with tips for finding a dog walker.
  • Take your dog to doggy day care a few days a week.  Check out this article on Dog Walking vs Doggy Day Care – How To Decide Which Is A Better Fit For My Dog? if you are not sure if your dog is the right fit for doggy day care.
  • Take your dog on another long walk in the afternoon or early evening.

Do you have a dog with the back to school blues?  What are you doing to make the blues go away?













  • Awww they miss their little people 🙁 Good advice on how to spot the sadness and help them get back to normal.

  • Jennifer Shafton says:

    Any change for our pets can be hard on them especially when their family routine changes leaving them less time during the day with those they love.

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