If you are thinking about a adding a cat to your family and you will be a first time cat parent, you may find yourself asking how to potty train a cat. It is fairly common knowledge that it can take a lot of time and effort to potty train a dog. Unlike dogs, cats are easy to potty train. Cats, by nature, like to bury their poop and they like to go potty in dirt or sand. If you provide your cat with a nice sized litter box with fresh litter and place it where they can access it at all times, your cat should know what to do with the litter box after you show them where it is. It may be helpful to place your new cat or kitten inside the litter box after you bring them home to get them used to the scent and feel of the litter on their paws to help them associate that this is where they go potty.
Most cats prefer if you place the litter box in a quiet spot that is away from their food and water bowls. Keeping the litter box clean by scooping it at a minimum of once daily so there is always a fresh place for them to eliminate will help ensure they use their litter box. Litter boxes often need a full cleaning once a week. You can add litter deodorizer in between cleanings to keep the litter smelling fresh for you and your cat.
Some people prefer to toilet train their cats. There are kits to help with this. If this type of potty training interests you, check out the website for CitiKitty Cat Toilet Training. Although I don’t have personal experience with this method, I did see them them on ABC’s Shark Tank.
Did you know you it is much easier to potty train a cat than a dog? Do you have other suggestions to help a new cat or kitten use a litter box?